trinity Holistica


Reflexology works on pressure points in the feet to stimulate the bodies own healing potential, with specific massage techniques.

Auricular Therapy

Auricular Therapy is the stimulation of the auricle, the external ear, for the treatment of health conditions and discomforts in other parts of the body.

Reflexology Lymph Drainage

Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD) is a reflexology technique which focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes on the feet. 

hi 🙂 I'm Elna

I’m a wife and mom of two girls. We called South Africa our home until July 2023 when we moved to the US. As a qualified Therapeutic Reflexologist and holistic health advocate, i am here to educate and support those who want to take control of their health naturally.

How can we help?

Have any questions?

We are here to support you on your holistic health journey.